My Books

Dinh's books

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Lightning Thief
Chocolate Fever
The Adventurous Four
The Graveyard Book
Shadow of the Minotaur
Romeo and Juliet
The Railway Children
Peter Pan
The Journey to the West, Volume 1
Day of the Dragon-King
Mummies in the Morning
Tonight on the Titanic
Midnight on the Moon
The Knight at Dawn
Earthquake in the Early Morning

Dinh Phuong's favorite books »

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Card.

Negarher is the only friend I had in my Condo. So before last year,

in summer, her family tricked me by telling me that they were going back to their country this summer. But actually, they traveled to Paris for 5 weeks. One day Negarher wrote a letter to me, the postcard that you see in the picture. And said that she would be coming back this August to study. I was so happy that she come back and I told my mum to buy a present for her. Now she is in a different country, Australia. But I still remember her and still stay in touch with her through Facebook everyday.

The Diary

My parents were plan about the present for my birthday but they couldn’t think of anything. Then an ideas suddenly popped up in my father brain. He told my mum that since I lost my ipod then they can bought a new ipod and a diary for me. First my mum was kind of disagreed but then there was no ideas so she excepted that. After they came back from shopping, they brought me back a diary first and told me that they will buy for me an ipod later when we get to Malaysia. And feel so happy that I have two present on my 12 birthday.

The Computer

Although my computer is not
that beautiful. But it is very important for me. I remember that one day when I was in Fairview, we had homework that we needed computer. But I don’t have one computer, because my family just overseas so I have to do it by hand. The next day, I planned with my parents to buy one computer so I don’t have to do my homework by hand and we can check mail easily. So my parents think a moment and they said OK. So the day after, My father went back with a laptop (Dell) he open it and explore the computer. After a while he started to teach me and at last, I can work in the computer instead. Although now the computer is a bit old but I’m still happy to have it.

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