The Sun is Alone, But it is Strong
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Making the Invisible, Visible: The first step…
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Finding Fast Food is Another Way of Finding Dead
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
“About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations” ( Provided that in the world that we are living, over 3 billion of people live on less than $2.50 a day. At the same time, “1/3 of Brazilians live in extreme poverty, for whom drug trafficking and crime seems to be the most financially and socially rewarding option. This has created an unofficial civil war between the state and its poor” (Global Giving). Mayra is the only one girl who lives in one of the most violent place call favela’s in Rio, to fight against the violence she leads protests to stop the violence between the police and the drug cartels and give thousands of children a chance to be educated.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Where I'm From
I am from a noisy place,
where town and cities never sleep.
I am from outdoor,
when all day playing with kites and planes.
I am from that square,
where everyday children gather together
enjoyed our childhood.
I have enjoyed through four season,
summer, autumn,winter, spring.
from the big community,
with flat surface.
My house is like a technology centre
where cartoons has been shown.
I am from the parents,
who who hits me with a tiny cane
Friends who annoyed and play with me.
And also I am from the school
where teacher who treats me like a bunch of rats
I am from the place,
where candies and treats are made into animal shapes.
I am from the place,
where hotdogs, and dumpling are 24 hour available in front of school
And I am from the place
where my mum has to force me eats all kind of vegetable.
Lookings back from the memory box,
childhood is the best memorial part of my life
through the image of growing,
i found out that is the best place in the world.
Monday, February 20, 2012

Propaganda mean the information that is spread for a purpose. people that This image was taken in a book “How to Tell a Jews.” by Julius Streicher and publisher of Der Stürmer.
This image was set up in a classroom when a teacher just drawn several picture about Jews like their nose, eye and there arm band. Then he called a student up to talk and describe it. The teacher look straight forward to the student who stand up. They are all Aryan and Wearing German cloth.
From this book, the audience that intended the most is German Citizen (mostly children). Because they are too young to read this. when they read this, they will miss understand about the Jews. The author of this piece intend to express that Jews are very dangerous. We as a German shouldn’t play with them. They will harm us and killed us. There body and facial expression are very ugly, hunched back and ugly nose. After reading this, This message might influenced the German as scared of them and hate them because of there body. They need to get far way from them and hate them. Also to treat them as an animal.
Lastly in my opinion, this picture is negative. It tell us how to treat bad thing to Jews and also never to be friendly with them. But instead killed them or treat them as animal. Also we should punish them and take there jobs away.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Boy In the Stripped Pyjamas

For me I think it is not the right thing to bringing such danger on one's relatives and friends by challenging the forces of law and order. "I've never spoken to him," said Bruno immediately. "I've never seen him before in my life. I don't know him."-172. This happen while Shmuel was taken to Bruno house to clean some glasses. But then Bruno found out that his friend is at his house working. Bruno came in and gave food to Shmuel. Unlucky Kotler saw those boy talking together and he cut the conversation. I think what Bruno did is wrong because he is causing his friend in to trouble by lying. I think the right thing that Bruno can do is to tell the truth. Because if he tell the truth, then everything will be a bit easier and Shmuel don't get to punished that badly. Also i think that to your friend just to save you from punishment, then your friend will get even worse punishment and they will hate you.
Picture URL:
Monday, November 21, 2011
Profile MM

Being in the profile MM, Is better for me to sit in front unless I don't annoy other. For me I am sure that I am an left ear learner. Every time when my cousin talking about something, I would let my left ear closer to them so I can hear it properly. Or also in the class we did like if you want to know what your classmate next door is talking about you and you can't go in or see them so what should you do? So I ran up and I heard it with my left year. I think it is important for me to know what ear I am good at so that I can hear clearer every time my teacher speak. Being an MM, I must able to see, hear, move and verbalize the context before I learning details. My left eye look from left to right, so I is hard for me if I read English or other language that write from left to right. Or sometime, I might change the orders of the letter or numbers.
When I'm relaxed, my movement is being spontaneous or fluid. But when I'm stress, may move forward with caution, or I could feel clumsy and stuck. I have difficult following instruction that go by step by step. I started by imagining the end result.
Something I want my teacher to know about me is I want everything to go by step, I don't want to describe thing really much just keep it simple and I want to show big picture.