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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Lightning Thief
Chocolate Fever
The Adventurous Four
The Graveyard Book
Shadow of the Minotaur
Romeo and Juliet
The Railway Children
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The Journey to the West, Volume 1
Day of the Dragon-King
Mummies in the Morning
Tonight on the Titanic
Midnight on the Moon
The Knight at Dawn
Earthquake in the Early Morning

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Propaganda mean the information that is spread for a purpose. people that This image was taken in a book “How to Tell a Jews.” by Julius Streicher and publisher of Der Stürmer.

This image was set up in a classroom when a teacher just drawn several picture about Jews like their nose, eye and there arm band. Then he called a student up to talk and describe it. The teacher look straight forward to the student who stand up. They are all Aryan and Wearing German cloth.

From this book, the audience that intended the most is German Citizen (mostly children). Because they are too young to read this. when they read this, they will miss understand about the Jews. The author of this piece intend to express that Jews are very dangerous. We as a German shouldn’t play with them. They will harm us and killed us. There body and facial expression are very ugly, hunched back and ugly nose. After reading this, This message might influenced the German as scared of them and hate them because of there body. They need to get far way from them and hate them. Also to treat them as an animal.

Lastly in my opinion, this picture is negative. It tell us how to treat bad thing to Jews and also never to be friendly with them. But instead killed them or treat them as animal. Also we should punish them and take there jobs away.

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