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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
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Chocolate Fever
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Shadow of the Minotaur
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The Journey to the West, Volume 1
Day of the Dragon-King
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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finding Fast Food is Another Way of Finding Dead

"I don't like to eat snails. I prefer fast food."Roger von Oech. People should increase eating healthy food rather than Fast food. “Every month, Kids between the ages of 6 and 14  eat fast food about 157,000,000 times”-Links. To let the people in the world knows how much injurious fast food can cause, a guy call Morgan Spurlock created a document call “Supersize Me”. His goal is  to warn people to stop eating fast food in order for them to maintain a healthy life. Eating healthy foods is important  therefore people should choose healthy foods to eat. People need to know about  what diseases fast  foods can cause and also some recommendation of food they should take.

People today in the world should knows which food is harmful for them and that they shouldn’t eat. Mostly all the people know that fast food are unhealthy but still they move the information to  aside and let their bodies absorb all the unhealthy fats. “In America, 30.6 percent of the population is obese, more than anywhere else in the world, while 68 percent are considered to be overweight”-Supersize me  movie. The reason that they are chose fast food is because they don’t know the correct way to eat or in the other way they don’t know how whether the food they eat is healthy or unhealthy. Each of a teen visit purchased from 800 to 1,100 calories which then will stay underneath their skin and created a fat layer of calories. This calories which then turn to fat and would lead to obesity and this disease would stay with them until dead. Not only that fast food have a lot of calories in it but there are also many chemical inside too. fast food restaurant put a type of chemical which will make you feel like you want to eat more and more.links. They put this chemical in the food so that once you started eating fast food frequently, this chemical will affect you and make you feel like you want to eat more and more again. By that the many people would come to the fast food restaurant and they would earn a lot of  money. Fast Food affect a lot of your health issues. But not to say that you could not eat fast food anymore but this meant that you should eat fast food rarely like once a month in order not to easily get affected by disease.

Nowadays, people should know some recommendation of food they should take rather than fast food. It is not that you can’t eat fast food forever of your life, but on the other side, you could find another smart way to buy a pack of snack food that doesn’t have a lot of calories. You could always buy something that is a smaller amount and it is much less calories than the supersize one. The reason of buying a smaller pack of fast food is because then you will get less calories and other fats in to you and also to bring less disease to you. For instance you could always buy an original mcdonald which is much smaller amount of calories that is 260 calories than the McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese which is 730 calories. By buying smaller pack of fast food, you just help yourself to become a stronger and healthier person. Not only just to have a smart choice of ordering in the restaurant, but you could do a bit more research to find out more information. You could always watch some documentary or read some books to increase your knowledge about healthy food and other facts about fast food. We should read books or watch documentary so that we will have a better understanding about the foods and why it is so unhealthy. Once you started to realize which food is bad, hopefully you might realize that fast food is bad so that you could decrease the amount of time you would go to fast food restaurant. All things considered, fast food is a type of food that is really harmful to your body. But if you are a clever person and chose a smart choice, you have save your life from harmful disease that might affect you

In conclusion, Fast food is very tasty, eye catchy, and convenience  for the busy people. However, this food could cause a serious health effect. So now is the time for us to restrict  eating fast food. Being a leadership of restricting fast food make more and more people realize the harmful side that fast food can create and from there  people can reduce eating fast food in their life.

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