I was going to a lucky airplane, which took me back to my home countries. After three hour and five minute sitting in that airplane, we have a little sad news. One of our goods was missing. My mother was upset because that box was full of food and other important things inside. After that we check out and went back to my home my grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin and friends was happy to see me and also they cheers my mother up for not to be sad. After that I went to my room and change to my winter cloth because it is winter in Vietnam. I wore two normal clothes, three jumpers and one big jacket.
On the second weeks, my sister and I went to dentist and check our tooth because every six month we need to check at least ones. My sister was OK. But not me, the doctor told my mother that my gum was covering my tooth that it can’t grow up if I don’t cut it. So mother decides to cut it. Next day, we went there to cut my gum. My head was thinking about how painful it could be after cutting it. My foot tries to stick on the ground when my mother called me to go to the dentist. My dad used our motorbike to drive us to the dentist. When I was In front of the dentist house, I feel that I can faint by a moment and I can’t do it. Great news for me the doctor said that it’s too late so they ask me to come another day. Felt full energy that I can jump and at the dentist house. And I need to come again another day. Woke up early and I went there to cut it. I thought it was so painful put actually its not, only for you when the dentist put the desensitize in your mouth. Even after that medicine was gone, I still feel normal so I think I would like to cut it again.
I then at the last week my aunt took me to electronic shop to buy a phone for my birthday present. So my other aunt told me that there is a new generation of Nokia that is typing and it only cost one million dong (Vietnamese currency). But when I ask the staff, they told me that it is not now generation is like touching phone and it is eleven million dongs. I was shock at that prize, so we went another shop. At that shop my aunt and I read the note that some Nokia have problem so we went and see LG. At LG I saw one touching phone that is cheap and beautiful. My aunt saw it and she also like it. She said that she would ask my mother and buy it later. First my mother didn’t accept but then she said to me that it is my birthday present so I get to choose which phone I like. I choose that and me and my aunt work together and practice to use the phone.
Two weeks ago I learned about the characteristic of civilization in Ancient Sumeria. After taking note about is Sumerian a civilization, my teacher gave us another job to take note weather my countries a civilization. So there are 7 different characteristic in this post. Let’s check out if my country a civilization.
Vietnam has at least three religions that is Buddhism, Christian, Islam. But the most popular one is Buddhism and Christianity. When you travel to Vietnam, you can see thousand of temples and churches. Also, Vietnam celebrates Chinese New Year and New Year. They make traditional cakes and pray to their ancestor for Chinese New Year.
There are ten different kind of level in Vietnam Which is president, vice president, prime minister, minister, chair man, vice chairman. The first one is president. He is the leader of the social structure. He rule our country and make sure the others do their job correctly.
Thanks to our president make our country a better technology. In our countries we make our own fan. Also we has motorbikes that made from our countries like Suzuki. People use it to transport everywhere like taking their child to school, work and vacation. Also we have a really good Internet in our countries. By having a good technology, we can travel anywhere without worrying and also we can check Internet whenever we want.
Vietnamese have many kind of food like green cake, sticky rice, and fermented pork roll. We use to make this in festival. In Vietnam there are many farms to to make our food supply like planting crops. We also sell food with other countries so that different countries people could try our country food.
Vietnamese have one type writing. But in different town in Vietnam has change a bit of the writing. Vietnamese have twenty nine letter. We use this letter when we write a paragraph, test and exam. In Chinese New Year, we write poem and read story by using this characteristic.
In Vietnam there are three social structure. which is upper class, common class and lower class. Upper class include government, prime minister and chairman. Common class is for Worker like geologist, doctor and dentist. And the lower include farmer and maid. the first one is government, he took care of the countries and work with other to make our countries better. The second thing is worker. worker work to earn money for their family. And the last is farmer and made. farmer work to produce crop and meat for the people and made work at their owner's room and they get a little of moneys.
There are three kind of art in Vietnam. Which is drawing, playing instrument, traditional dance. First is drawing. we draw different picture from olden day like women wearing traditional shirt, Ho uncle and... The second on is instrument. We have allots of traditional instrument like flute. We usually play it when there is a show or a festival. And the last is traditional dance. We dance when their is a festival or a Vietnamese show. We dance with cloth fans in the show. And also there is a special show call water puppet. People hide inside the curtain an control the puppet on the water.